Sport North offers a Coach Development Grant to support NWT coaches in attending customized professional development and education opportunities that will enhance their skills and abilities.
Grant Eligibility
- Coaches must be a resident of the NWT.
- Coaches must be in good standing with their Territorial Sport Organization (TSO).
- Coaches must be endorsed by the TSO.
- Coaches must have shown a commitment to coach education through participation in NCCP Pathway.
- Coaches must have completed both the Make Ethical Decisions Course and Evaluation, and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) online Safe Sport Training.
- Coaches must be coaching in the NWT for a minimum of 1 year.
- A matching grant of up to $1000.00 is available once every 2 years. Coaches are not eligible to apply for this grant in consecutive years.
- Coaches must access financial support from other sources such as their local club, TSO, personal investment, other grants.
- The application must include details of the event, the learning objectives and outcomes, event budget, and how the knowledge from the event will be shared with other coaches in the NWT.
- The event must be in Canada.
Eligible Expenses
- Registration fees
- Accommodations costs
- Travel costs (actual fuel cost if driving, or flight cost)
- Ineligible Expenses
- Equipment
- Lost wages
- Per diems or mileage
- Eligibility does not guarantee grant approval.
- Due to limited funds and potential volume of applications, not all requests meeting the guidelines will be approved.
- The Grant requires a matching funding component. Matching funds can be from a single or multiple sources. Proof must be provided that the grant will be matched.
- Applications must be received a minimum of 30 days prior to the event/activity. Late applications may be considered.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Successful applicants will be required to submit a follow-up report within 30 days after the completion of the event.
- The report must include:
- How this event contributed to the learning objectives outlined in the application.
- A financial report detailing all revenues and expenditures including copies of all receipts.
- Grant funds will be released upon receipt and approval of the follow-up report.
- The follow-up report and receipts can be emailed to
To apply
Use the link below. Once you begin the application process you cannot save it and return to it. Be sure to have the following info with you when you begin the application:
- NCCP #
- Letter from your TSO endorsing your application and confirming you are in good standing with the TSO.
- Budget, which must demonstrate where the matching funds are coming from.
To find out more please contact Spider Jones at: